The Montrose Midwife
The Montrose Midwife
Empowering Births. Experienced Care.



Listening to baby’s heartbeat with a fetoscope.

Mother-Centered Support in Labor.

Minutes after Birth.

Evaluating Baby Respirations without Disturbing Family Bonding and Breastfeeding.

24 hour postpartum homevisit

Prenatal Care

Experience the difference that care with a licensed midwife makes. Prenatal care is an essential component in midwifery care to assure we are on track for a home birth. It offers the time needed to develop a trusting relationship between midwife and mother. Your prenatal visits will include checking in on:

Nutrition and Exercise

Blood pressure and Pulse

Discomforts and Remedies


Mother’s Heart and Mind

Your baby’s well-being is assessed through palpation, fundal measurement, and

heart monitoring with a doppler or fetoscope 

Referrals for ultrasound can be made as needed or desired

Children and family are welcome.   

Labor and Birth

Birth is a natural process and a sacred moment unique to each baby and mother. Your birth is attended by Tawnya, chief licensed midwife of The Montrose Midwife, and also by a qualified assistant to assure that both mother and baby receive the most optimal care. 

Homebirths succeed with patience, love, and keen observation. We bring the skills and equipment sometimes necessary to assure a low-risk, low-intervening homebirth, including:

Delayed Clamping and Cutting of the Umbilical Cord

Professional-grade Birth Tub for Waterbirth

Undisturbed 1st Golden Hour

Meds to minimize Hemorrhage

Neonatal Resuscitation/CPR

Hands-on Skills and Assistance

Ongoing Monitoring of Mother and Baby

Breastfeeding Guidance

Eye Ointment and Vitamin K

Suture Kit and skills

Placental Storage for Processing

Clean-up and Laundry

Postpartum Care

The Montrose Midwife wants to optimize your transition from pregnancy and birth to a blessed postpartum with rest, support, successful breastfeeding, and complete healing. 

We come to you the day after birth, and two weeks after the birth. Your postpartum plan starts before you birth your baby, making sure there is plenty of support to care for your house, family, and meals. This is the time to rest, bond with baby, and succeed in breastfeeding. Mother and baby are under our care until your six weeks office visit. We will evaluate baby’s growth, mom’s healing, and breastfeeding at each visit. Newborn screening (PKU) and pap smears are offered.

Thank you Tawnya for the work you do to build the confidence of your clients so we believe in ourselves and our bodies. She will help you to believe in yourself and believe that your body will do just what it’s meant to do to birth your baby. If you want the most positive home birth journey possible then Tawnya, the Montrose Midwife is the one for you.”
— -Jen, homebirther x 2

We accept late-transfers, VBAC, first-time families, grand families, and first-time home birthers.  Call today to discuss your birth options with The Montrose Midwife. 


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